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"SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE" Handcrafted mug #9


"Shut your pie hole," a saying from the 80's that's tempting to bring back, given the state of affairs we're seeing today. Misinformation, disinformation, outright lies, verbal manipulation and general craziness. Ever feel like saying it? What about just lifting your coffee to your mouth in front of the blabbermouth yapping crazy shi*t at you?
Holds a damn fine and respectable 12 oz.
Not too much, not too little....good happy medium - like our moods when we turn off the news. Oh, and did I mention it's got a skookum handle? Oh yes..check it out!

Note; in some of the photos, the light was soft morning light, but in reality, the black lettering is actually dark and vivid) The first photo is the accurate color! Wheel thrown white clay, and hand carved using the "sgrafitto" method of carving through the black underglaze.
(Handwashing is always recommended for handcrafted pottery).